Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bows and Arrows

Valentine's Day has come and gone, and here we are on February 15th. And while I have fallen incredibly behind on posting (read: work trip that sucked the life out of me for a week), I absolutely refused to post on Valentine's Day out of principle. 

Why, you might ask? Isn't it just a stupid Hallmark holiday with no real value?

Whatever. It's my first Valentine's Day with the 100% positive, no-doubt-about-it last Valentine I'll ever have, and any waking hours I had outside of work I wanted to spend with him. We made absolutely no plans, swore off gifts and yet, when I walked in the door, there were flowers waiting for me. And he knew my favorite bouquet: inexpensive, beautiful flowers that don't break the bank but that inspire the same smile as dozens of generic roses. He knows I think expensive flowers are a waste of money but that fresh flowers in the house (of any variety) make me feel like a stupid, spoiled, silly little girl.

It's OK - if you have to leave to vomit, I'll wait. Seriously, go ahead, I'll wait. 

But isn't this what loving is all about? And indeed, what Valentine's Day SHOULD be about? It's not about making expensive plans at a lavish restaurant and throwing cash at a few stems that will wilt in less than a week. It's really about taking time to make the people in your life the priority they should be, and not allowing for the rest of life to get in the way. 

So I got flowers from my husband. On Valentine's Day. I also got a delicious dinner at Maya's, a little-known place we absolutely love, where we didn't have a wait and where the waitress cared enough to say, "You have been here before and I remember you, but I don't know your names." Seriously? I love this place and even if the food weren't absolutely amazing, I would come back because the people there are fantastic.

But it is amazing. So Carina, we'll see you again.

But most importantly, my husband knows what makes me happy. He bought me flowers to make me smile but didn't spend enough to make me worry about the expense. He took me to a place we both are THRILLED we've found, because the food is only as authentic as the people who serve it. He even held back the urge to tease as I suggested we go to Frisch's for coffee & hot fudge cake after dinner, refusing to admit we're too young to make such a date and allowing me to indulge in a childhood favorite.

And did I mention, he got me a new puppy from the Stray Animal Adoption Program (SAAP) for my birthday? One that stole my heart the moment we walked in and has been wreaking havoc ever since the sixth? 

Yeah. My husband is the greatest. 

Happy Valentine's Day.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Keeping Tabs

So - as some or all of you know, I graduated from college more than two years ago. TWO years ago! I met some of the greatest people I've ever known, learned a ton of things I'll never forget and spent more nights forgetting than I'll ever remember. Unfortunately, things change after you graduate. 

Yes. I'm struggling with it. Back up off me. 

But because I no longer live just blocks away (or doors away) from my college-days best friends, making plans to see them has become a near-impossibility. Because I am no longer the constantly aspiring, A-student, damn-it-I'm-worth-it-point-of-view senior, I spend a lot of time thinking about the steps I didn't take and the ones I should or will. 

But you know that already. Hell, the name of this blog is "Un.Determined." I think we all know I have no idea where I'm going from here. All of that aside, however, I think it's worth mentioning that I've become completely jealous of all the people I know who are following their passions and at the risk of all things sane - doing what they do because they just have to do it. I'm just spending my days figuring out how to copy you. 

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, or something like that, right?
Anyway, if you want to know more about what I mean, just take a look at some of the folks I'm "Keeping Tabs" on. So this post is for you - all of the folks that I'm gaining as great new friends and some pretty awesome old ones I'm getting back in touch with. And if you know of more awesome (yes, I hate myself for not coming up with a more applicable word than awesome, but get over it) people I should follow, let me know.

Because all I hope to do is realize some of my passions - writing being number one - and spend some time growing up with all of you. I admire that you're all doing the exact same thing, right in front of me.

And I'm working on getting past the fact that it's not OK to put on a sorority or college T-shirt EVERY day. 

Give me some time.