Friday, November 4, 2011


Surely at some point, everyone who writes anything has written those four letters. 

TGIF. Thank God It's Friday. 

I'm definitely feeling that today - the idea of having a weekend ahead of me with no plans outside of getting homework done sounds so supremely satisfying that I could not wait for it to be here. 

So yes, TGIF. And TGIS tomorrow with another TGIS after that. 

After all, it's been a tough week. Work has been hectic and school is really starting to get the best of me. But I heard a song today that reminds me of all the wonderful things that I am completely lucky to have. And just hearing those words - or the words of many other songs with the same effect - really helps put things in perspective. 

(If you're wondering, it's Lucky Man, by Montgomery Gentry - very country but makes a very good point; plus, there's a Bengals reference!)

So in light of seeing how lucky I am, I'm very thankful it's Friday and that I have an entire weekend to enjoy the lucky life I live. 

I hope you'll all do the same.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

These nights are gonna be tough.

Hi friends. 

I had class tonight, and was therefore out of my house for about 15 hours today. So you'll forgive this being a complete and total cop-out post, right?


(Hey, I promised I'd write every day, not that there'd be total gems everyday). 

Goodnight, folks - I'll strive for excellence tomorrow. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Nobody Said it was Easy

Actually, wait - someone did. Someone was wrong.

Caution. Blog post contains serious whining and self-pity. Eye rollers beware. 

This semester has been...

Overwhelming. Defeating. Insufferable. Gosh darn it, just downright mean. 

And of course, it's only the beginning of November; which, unfortunately, means the semester is just starting to heat up. 

God help me. 

A word to the wise: when someone tells you that two graduate classes plus a full-time job is feasible ... laugh. And then have them committed, because that person has lost their mind. 

Two classes is hard. Two classes is ridiculously hard - and it's kept me from being available here. Which sucks. And it's kept me from visiting my new FANTASTIC nephew, Lincoln. 

Yup. That's double-suck. Maybe even quadruple-suck, because Lincoln is just that freakin' awesome. He was born October 20th and so far, Auntie-hood is awesome. 

Did I mention he's awesome?

Yup. Awesome. 

(I had to end on a good note, right? Right.)

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Ghetto NaNoWriMo

You may or may not know this, but November is National Novel Writing Month, or, as the cool kids call it, NaNoWriMo. While I have no intentions of writing - or even beginning - a novel this month given my current schedule, it is definitely something I've considered doing more than once. 

That said, I think NaNoWriMo can serve a purpose, albeit a somewhat twisted one, here. So rather than following in the tradition, I fully intend to exploit the enthusiasm for NaNoWriMo and convince myself to write something - anything - every day in November. 

I promise no gems, I promise no epiphanies, but I do promise that I will be here, every day, for the next thirty days. So will you be here to hold me accountable?

Good. Glad to hear it. 

So here goes - surely this counts as the first day's post, right? 

Or maybe I should say, write. 

Either way, see you tomorrow!